Many classes are canceled this week, so the campus might seem a little less populated than usual. Even the people who are on campus often times seem to be preoccupied with finals. The overall feel on campus is one of dread and dismal acceptance of the imminent academic rigor. An almost palpable feeling of somberness is evident.
One silver lining that is present this week is the fact that there are many Christmas parties happening that I will be attending. Monday evening there is a Christmas party at one of my jobs (the OU Communications Center). Wednesday one of my professors is taking our class out to lunch. Friday for lunch the Prospective Student Services offices will be getting together for a delicious catered lunch. Friday evening the sorority that I am a house boy for will be having a Staff Appreciation dinner. So this week there will be lots of delicious meals made available as I prepare for my examinations.
I only have three exams I will have to take during finals week, but they are all in the early part of the week. I have two tough projects due during Dead Week that I need to go work on, but this projects are in lieu of an actual final examination. Monday afternoon is the final exam for Freedom in Greece, but I have done well enough on the first few exams that I have some breathing room as far as what score I need to secure to clinch an A for the class. Tuesday afternoon I have a final exam in Systems of Criminal Justice. Similar to Freedom in Greece, I have an A already. All I have to do is avoid a colossal choke on this non-cumulative final and I will lock up the A for the course. Wednesday morning is my last final, and it may prove to be the most contentious. The class is History of Journalism. I have an A in there, but it is not a very high A, and the final is weighted pretty heavily. I will dedicate a lot of this week to preparing for this exam and hopefully a 4.0 for the semester.
Wish me luck!