Round 1
Morales lands a few good low kicks to start the fight and attempts to close the distance, but Lorenzo pushes him away. Lorenzo lands a short left and drops Morales. Lorenzo follows up with strikes but can’t capitalize for a finish. Morales goes for a takedown and the fighters clinch against the cage. Lorenzo shows great takedown defense. Lorenzo backs up Morales with strikes, his reach advantage really becoming clear. Morales can’t seem to find his effective striking range. The fighters exchange, but no big shots are landed by either man. Lorenzo is getting the better of the exchanges. Lorenzo is showing better technique throwing straight punches, while Morales is throwing wide looping shots. Lorenzo gets a Muay Thai clinch and hurts Morales with a big knee and some follow up punches to end the round.
10-9 Borgomeo
Round 2
Morales comes out aggressive and lands a good right hand. He is backing up Lorenzo and then clinches briefly. Superman punch by Morales. Front push kick by Lorenzo. Lorenzo grabs the Thai plumb clinch and blasts Morales to the body, but then lands an inadvertent low blow. The referee separates the fighters. Morales rests for a moment. Lorenzo continues to pepper Morales with jabs and straights. He grabs the Thai plumb against the cage and knees the body again. He is really going to town with the knees to the body and head. Morales is in trouble and is clinching out of desperation. Lorenzo absolutely tees off with knees. Morales puts Lorenzo against the cage. Both fighters look tired. Lorenzo grabs the clinch and continues to pile on the knees. Borgomeo is cut as he walks back to his corner.
10-9 Borgomeo
Round 3
The round begins with Morales throwing big looping shots. Lorenzo once again returns the knee assault to the body. Morales needs to finish his opponent in order to win. Lorenzo uses a front push kick to back Morales into the cage. Brutal low kick by Lorenzo. Both fighters are exhausted. Morales catches a kick and takes Lorenzo down, but doesn’t inflict all that much damage. Lorenzo uses a really high guard, but Morales drops back for an ankle lock, which fails. Lorenzo reverses position and gets Morales’ back. He quickly locks in the rear naked choke and induces a fight-ending tapout.
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