Now I have returned to college, and the first week of classes is successfully behind me. Not enough time in class has passed yet for me to definitively state how I feel about my classes, but for the most part my early impressions have been very positive. I think that the workload will be challenging but not impossible, and the subject matter seems to be rather entertaining on the whole.
I am returning to work as a campus tour guide this semester. I have not yet given my first tour back from the long summer lay-off. Some of the newly hired tour guides are finishing up their training, so they have been giving all of the tours during my shifts this past week. Thankfully, I was able to observe a tour Friday. Hopefully this will serve as a good refresher. I imagine my first tour I give will begin a little shaky, but after I get into a rhythm all of the rust will fall off and I'll be back to my old form. I suppose I could make an analogy to a prize fighter coming back after an extended break and the perfunctory mention of ring rust that inevitably gets brought up during any sort of fight analysis, but I'll stay away from that for now. My boy Roger Huerta is fighting Gray Maynard in two weeks, and there will be plenty of time to discuss his prospects in the coming days.
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